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1. The Founders on Religion: A Book of Quotations, by James H. Hutson
2.  The Separation of Church and State, by Forrest Church
3.  The Founding Fathers and the Place of Religion in America, by Frank Lambert
4.  Solomon's Builders: Freemasons, Founding Fathers and the Secrets of Washington D.C. by Christopher Hodapp
5. The Freemasons in America: Inside the Secret Society by Paul Jeffers
6. Faiths of our Founding Fathers by David Holmes
7. His Excellency by Joseph Ellis
8. The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin by H.W. Brands
9. Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph Ellis
10. A Documentary History of Religion in America to 1877, Edited by Gaustad and Noll
11. Freemasonry for Dummies, by Christopher Hodapp




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